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Date: 6.07.2012
Size: 10.21 MB
Аthor: Frank H. Severance

Thunder On the Niagara 2012
Frontier Trails of the Old West, Adventure Stories, Ghost Towns, Early Americas and Space

October 29, 2012 . An Old Trail Town Christmas . Please Join Us for “An Old Trail Town Christmas” Open House Saturday, November 24th, 2012 – From 2pm – 8pm
The Old Chisholm Trail . Well come along boys and listen to my tale, I'll tell you my troubles on the old Chisholm Trail. On a ten dollar horse and a forty dollar saddle,
History of the old west including information on overland trails, stage routes, railroads, mining & geology, native americans and other historical figures
Old Trails on the Niagara Frontier
The Frontier Town - Old Trail TownTales & Trails of the American Frontier
The Frontier Town - Old Trail Town
Frontier Trails - Adventures in History
The History of Old Fort Erie - Niagara.