Download Perilous Planet Earth : Catastrophes and Catastrophism through the Ages
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Authоr: Trevor Palmer
Date of placement: 1.08.2012

NIBIRUS MINORIS the 12th planets.
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Perilous Planet Earth : Catastrophes and Catastrophism through the Ages
earthClimate Change Catastrophes in Critical Thinking. This is to be a work in progress. As I collect more interesting evidence, I'll be sure to add it.
Immanuel Velikovsky (10 June [O.S. 29 May] 1895 – 17 November 1979) was a Russian-Jewish psychiatrist and independent scholar, best known as the author of a number
Catastrophism! Man, Myth and Mayhem in.
The purpose of this website is to explore the ramifications of this emerging paradigm shift; to raise a challenge to prevailing orthodoxies and dogmas; to document a
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NIBIRUS MINORIS the 12th planets.
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